delivery to Australia

12 Mar

Hi Czech Post and EU competition Authority,

I noticed that Czech post have updated information on their site, so as to not take any responsibility for tracking information. This is a problem, so much as now people understand that tracking might not be updated, so when the item arrives and they might see that the tracking has not been updated, some people might choose to keep the item and the money. A system like this is not really effective for any shippers. I would think that Czech post might find a way where it might be possible to update the tracking on request, at least as a temporary fix to economy items sent. , most used international payment system, need the tracking of delivery to be updated for a buyer to get the funds back.

keep in mind that the tracking disclaimer is not in the Czech postal booklet, most people use the booklet to make assessments on postal purchases, not the web, maybe add the information to the actual tracking slip. So its clear to all your customers that tracking liability is only to the boarder.

I’m not able to find any postal company in the world with such a disclaimer on tracking of goods, here is the Australian one, they have to deal with far greater time issue’s than Czech post would. Best idea is not to offer tracking on items when you can’t provide tracking. Disclaimer is something a mafia style business would create. Please read the wiki definition of track and trace.. . How many services do Czech post claim to offer that they don’t?

My thoughts are that the current solution is to ship economy items out of Dresden, at least for economy things. Current system is a big mess, and your competition is too expensive.

regards, jam

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